JavaScript Tricks

Here is a small collection of JavaScript tricks commonly used by adult webmasters. An important part of implementing JavaScript into your site is knowing when and when not its necessary. Along with each trick Ill give you and idea of what situations you may want to use it and in what situations youre probably better off leaving it out.

Pop-up Window Console
This is one of the most basic tricks used by adult webmasters. In certain places pop-up windows can capture a significant amount of extra revenue. Its important though to be careful how often you use them. If every page on your site initiates a pop-up window (or multiple), you are going to have one pissed off surfer. This isnt only bad for you but also for every other adult webmaster out there. You dont want to make surfers wary of adult sites by drowning them in pop-ups. I suggest using one per site on a page that captures the most quality traffic. You may want to experiment with different pages and see which pulls in the highest revenue returns.

*Place code between the <head></head> tags.

Background Console
Here is code to pop-up a window behind the page that is loading. This code allows for you to define some of the variables for the window. For each variable, 0 is the off switch and 1 is the on switch. All the ideas stated above about pop-up window usage apply here also.

*Place code between the <head></head> tags.

Disabling Right Mouse Button
People stealing and using others licensed images on their own sites is a big problem in the adult webmaster industry. Most people will link thumbnailed images directly to the image files, and in this case it is very hard to prevent saving of the images. But if you have your image displayed on an HTML page, you can use the code below to disable the right mouse button on that page. This will prevent the surfer not only from directly saving the file, but also from finding out the files properties and being able to copy the URL directly to the image file. This plan isnt full-proof though, one can always view the page source and find the URL directly to the image file, but it may discourage some to go find an easier target. I recommend doing this only on pages with content you want to protect, some surfers use their right mouse button menu for navigation and other tasks and may get ticked off that it is disabled on all your pages.

*Place code between the <head></head> tags.

Bookmark Link
Here is a simple one I threw in just in case some of you didnt know how to do this. Its setup basically like a hyperlink and is used to add your site to a surfers Favorites list (works with Internet Explorer only). If a surfer likes your site, offering this option can be a reminder to keep coming back.

Alright, well thats the end of my JavaScript Tricks tutorial. Hope this helps some of you newer webmasters get off on the right foot!

Reader Comments: (1 posts)

Priya says:
That's rlelay thinking out of the box. Thanks!
May 3rd, 2012
at 2:51pm EST
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