Dollar Junkie Press Releases

We offer webmasters free original pictures and video clips for promotions. Every week we are adding fresh content for webmasters and high converting banners to offer your surfers. Stay tuned, as we will be launching more sites in the near future!

Note: The following are press releases that were released from Dollar Junkie over the past few years and are sorted in order of most recent to oldest.

06/25/2002 - Dollar Junkie Launches 2 New Sites

Dollar Junkie Launches 2 New Sites
(Vancouver-June 24)-Dollar Junkie has just launched 2 more kick-ass original sites. and are our best converting sites to date. With original content and daily updates you will be making serious $$$ with our partnership program.
We offer webmasters free original pictures and video clips for promotions. Every week we are adding
fresh content for webmasters and high converting banners to offer your surfers. Stay tuned, as we will
be launching more sites in the near future!
For additional information on our money making program please contact me at anytime.
Please sign up at if you haven’t already and start making bank!
For more information contact:
Shady/Marketing and Traffic Deals