Muffy's Message Board Review
I had just got back from a little 10 day vacation and I realized that I was a little out of the loop with what has been going on in the world of adult entertainment. I decided to get abreast of the situation and expand my knowledge (or just learn some gossip) by visiting some of the more popular message boards out there. If you are the type of person who is just too busy to peruse the boards on a daily basis, or if you are someone that is solely dedicated to just one board, I am going to share my findings with you.
I really enjoy this board, I am not completely sure why. I find it highly entertaining, full of fights and nonsense threads. There usually is not a lot of business being done on this board, but visiting it breaks up the monotony of the day. The largest thread out of the past couple of days was titled, “I’m out of prison and back with my BP4L family” started by SonOfRage. This thread was absolutely pointless but it seemed to spark some kind of a discussion, even though not business related, was pretty interesting. Another highly popular thread was “I want to see rides not rims. Post your rides once again”. This one had all sorts of players and wannabe players posting pictures of their cars. Some of the struggling webmasters were passing off pictures of cars out of magazines as their own rides, but all the same it was good fun. I was hard pressed to find many business related threads but one interesting one that I did come across was a discussion about what the best HTML editor is and some of you newbies may find it useful.
YNOT Masters
I find that YNOT Masters has a good dose of business related threads and the patrons of the board are always quick to help out others that may have questions or need help. A thread that I liked was one in which a newbie was asking which niche people found most surprising or “out there”. Some of the more intriguing niches that people mentioned were “girls biting their toenails”, “amputee midgets”, and “balloon content”. I don’t know if maybe I am just not getting it, but I have never understood what the balloon attraction is and it has always left me rather puzzled.
Netpond has a threaded and non-threaded board and I usually choose to hit the threaded board because it is less chaotic and easier to follow. I found a very interesting discussion in progress on this board regarding a censorship issue involving Walmart. Apparently Walmart is pulling Maxim magazine from its shelves due to its racy nature. Also, Netpond has signed a deal with a large telecom company to provide telephone based payment solutions to the Webmaster community and they are currently looking for beta testers.
XBiz like YNOT is full of extremely helpful industry members. If you need help with something, this is definitely a place to check out. I found a fascinating post about someone who steals content and believes that it is fine because he has seen other people do it. Scammers and slime balls thrive in this industry and I feel that we should try to outlaw them as much as possible. When you get into copyright issues on the Internet, you are treading into that gray area because it is pretty hard to prove where the original content actually comes from.
While this board can turn into a bitch-fest, I found it surprisingly low-key this time, with most of the topics concerning themselves with issues within the realm of this industry. Serge, the master of Oprano, posted a thread about the recent layoffs that have been happening in this industry. Every other industry has had to see the rise in cutbacks in the past couple of years, so it is only natural that this industry would eventually follow suit. There was also a pretty good thread about a new anti-spam technique that seems to have come out of the wake of some big anti-spam lawsuits.
Adult Netsurprise
I hadn’t been to this board in a while and I realized that it has changed quite a bit since I was there last. At first there seems like there is a lot of action going on, but when you look closer, it is the same people over and over talking amongst themselves. I did not come across any sort of discussion that would be even worth mentioning. Unless you are in the inner circles of this board, you may find it hard to get much useful information out of it.
Porn City
Useful business discussion is not the motive for this board, but nonetheless, there is much activity on the board. There seems to be some crazy bets being made on the NHL playoffs, lots of talk about Christina Aguilera’s recent weight gain and hair color change, and some reviews of the latest blockbuster, Xmen 2. Aside from this fun, I found one good thread about how former originator is trying to get revenue for the pop-up patent.
Porno Junkies
It was really nice to fraternize with the kids at PJ’s again, I really missed that place. I find this board to contain a nice healthy mix of business and pleasure. The PJ’s crowd was also discussing the whole issue of who actually created the popup and whether Brian Shuster can actually take credit for it. There is also a lot of follow-up discussion regarding the recent Toronto Webmaster show going around with the usual who did what, who met who, and so on and so forth. It seems that it is mostly Toronto based Webmasters that frequent this board; therefore this is much talk from a Canadian perspective. I am a Canuck myself so I enjoy this type of banter.
Underwear Lounge
Our very own Underwear Lounge is gaining popularity by the day and it seems that we have a good gang of regulars that contribute to both industry related and fun discussions. If you are a newbie, stop by and introduce yourself. If you have any questions or need help, feel free to ask us.
Reader Comments: (1 posts)
Gracye says: Hats off to wehover wrote this up and posted it. |
September 26th, 2012 at 2:29pm EST Rating: ![]() ![]() ![]() |