Have You Told Your Family and Friends You Work in Porn?
We are all in the business of porn, whether we are paysite owners, content providers, run TGP’s, or even provide hosting solutions. We are all either directly or indirectly working in the porn industry in some way, shape or form. Now, while we all think that what we do is just a job, and completely normal, the outside (or mainstream) world tend to think of our chosen career direction as a little off the beaten path.
When I first made the drastic change from my mainstream marketing job to my marketing job with a company that specialized in online adult entertainment, I was frightened to tell people for fear of their judgment. I could just imagine the horrid expression on my grandmother’s face as I told her that I worked in porn, or the way that all my friends would talk about my new line of work behind my back. So, for the first few months I fooled everyone telling them that it was a company specializing in Internet marketing that I was working for (which really was not that far from the truth). It was not that hard to keep up the lie really, even when they would come visit me at the office. The company’s offices were on the top floor of an office tower in the financial district and they looked exactly like any other floor of offices. There were no naked pictures on the walls or porn stars walking around. There was a receptionist and a hall of offices, and people working behind computers, nothing out of the ordinary.
So then, why was I so afraid to tell people what it was that the company that I was working for really did? My main fear was that I felt that they would judge me, think I was dirty or perverted or think that I was actually physically involved in the making of the porn itself. The worst part was that these feelings were coming from a person who usually does not care what other people think about her. Why do people automatically associate porn with being dirty or evil?
Once I had settled into my new job, I began to view the company as a verifiable business entity instead of some shady porn outfit that I was embarrassed to tell my friends and family about. I also realized that I was performing the exact same job function as I did in my mainstream career, but just working for a company that was involved in a slightly more interesting industry. Once I had accepted the legitimacy of my new job, I felt more compelled to let others around me know the truth about the industry that the company was a part of. I finally built up the courage to tell my family and closest friends that the fantastic company that I had the terrific new job with, specialized in producing online adult entertainment.
Revealing the truth about where I worked was actually not as scary as I believed it would be. Since some of my family members and friends had already been to visit my place of employment, they were aware that it seemed no different than say a law firm, a financial company, or even a graphic design firm (where I was previously employed). I started with my family and explained (in full detail) exactly what the company did, how they received their revenues, and even how the company was applying for their listing on the stock exchange. I do admit that at first they were a little shocked, but once they examined all the evidence and information that I presented them with, they began to realize that I was in fact working for a profitable company that had a bright future. That was more than they could say for most companies out there that had been hit hard by the woes in the financial market. My mother was actually intrigued so I even went as far as to bring her into the office to show her exactly what the company did.
When I let my friends in on my little secret, they were thrown a little off guard, but when they regained their composure, they had to admit that working in such an exciting industry was actually pretty cool. Of course, all of my male friends asked me if they could have free access into the porn sites and surprisingly enough so did some of my curious female friends. It was a good feeling to finally have it all out in the open and not have to lie about what the company I was working for, actually did. Now my questions to you are: have you told your family and friends what you do for a living, or do you keep it a secret? Do you tell some people and hide it from others? How do those closest to you feel about your line of work? If you do hide what you do, why do you fear revealing what you do? Feel free to answer these questions and discuss this article in our forum which is linked below.
Reader Comments: (1 posts)
Dernell says: Yo, that's what's up truhtuflly. |
October 31st, 2011 at 12:50am EST Rating: |