Muffy's September Message Board Review
It’s that time again, a time when I like to venture out and about the industry to find out what is going on and to catch up on some gossip. What better way to find out the dirt, then to hit the various message boards to see what webmasters are talking about? Now, I know that most of you are very busy and cannot dedicate hours a day to catching up on gossip, which is why I am going to share my findings with you. So, sit back and relax while I cut through the crap and deliver the newsworthy topics.
This notorious board is home to many conflicts, bitch-fests, and dramas, which is why I usually make it my first stop on my road trip around the boards. I like to compare this board to the National Enquirer because you can come across some juicy information, but who really knows if it is true or not. There was a thread proclaiming that Pamela Anderson lost her virginity to rapist. There were so many Madonna/Britney kiss threads that I lost count. There was an extremely interesting thread in which a regular GFY’er called SleazyDream auctioned off his signature space for thirty days, on EBay. Believe it or not, his auction received eighty bids and his signature space ended up selling for $2,000.00, which he claims he is donating to a local charity. As usual, there did not seem to be too much actual business being conducted, but it sure was a lot of fun.
YNOT Masters
The YNOT chat board is where the dinosaurs of the industry hang out, and by dinosaurs I do not mean old and extinct, but rather that they have been around since the dawn of online porn. Now, on this board there is definitely a lot of business being talked about as well as current issues being discussed. One issue in particular that got the attention of the YNOT board goers, was the fact that PSW has threatened to sue Visa and MasterCard. It is nice to see that a company is taking a stand. There was another great thread about a member of the YNOT board starting up a Yahoo! group called EntrePORNeurs. This is a place where workaholic webmasters can go and share stories.
Netpond features both a threaded and non-threaded board. I chose to review the threaded board because I find it much less confusing. Now I find that Nepond is definitely a runner up to GFY in the sense that there is much less business and a lot more non-industry related threads. There was a neat thread discussing bandwidth and communications speed and it even provided a link where surfers can go and test their speeds for free. I was appalled when I discovered another thread claiming that strip clubs are offering to pay tuition for college students. What is this world coming to?
XBIZ features twelve different boards catering to everything from female webmasters to gay webmasters, but for the purpose of this review, I headed to their Speak Your Mind board. I ran into a very controversial thread discussing people’s opinions on gay marriages. Any of you that have feeling on this issue may want to check it out. There was another intriguing thread that read “I did a month in jail for a webpage” which had webmasters curious as to what kind of site it was to land the guy in jail. It turned out that the guy really went to jail for drug possession and was just trying to get some attention.
Football seemed to be a very dominant topic on this board, but there were also a fair number of threads discussing business issues. On the first page alone, one devoted poster had about ten threads at once going about various political issues that are affecting the industry, ranging in topic from President Bush to the battle of the pop-ups. They were an interesting read and if you would like to view these threads, do a search for threads started by the user sarettah.
Porn is Bad
I will admit that this was my first time visiting this particular message board and I was actually impressed with how popular it is. There was one incredible thread rightly named “The World’s Biggest Thread Contest” that so far had a whopping 36,318 replies. There also seemed to be some debate and discussion about President Bush’s speech.
Porno Junkies
One of the more popular recent threads on this board was one that asked members “How Often Do You Think About Sex?” It seems that most of us do not let a minute go by without actually thinking about sex in some way, shape or form. There was another bitch-fest and slandering post that asked the porno junkies “You want to know which companies SHAVE?” Needless to say the thread created quite a response.
Adult Insider
I came across a very cute thread that made me chuckle titled, “Canadian Tragedy”! It displayed a picture of a dropped case of Labatt Blue surrounded by shattered bottles, a cross, and two very dismayed gentlemen. I guess you have to be Canadian to get it. There was definitely not much business going on around this board, but it was really entertaining with threads such as “Post your hot girl”, “Zelda the windwaker” and “I just cleaned my room”.
Underwear Lounge
For those of you that haven’t been to our message board in a while, I suggest that you check it out. We have added a contest that allows you to earn money for posting. It is a great way to be rewarded just by getting involved in some Webmaster discussions. Come on in, say hello, and help make our message board the place to be for webmasters!
Reader Comments: (1 posts)
Xexilia says: Posts like this brighten up my day. Thanks for tkiang the time. |
June 30th, 2011 at 2:49am EST Rating: ![]() ![]() ![]() |