Tips To Improve Your Google Ranking
This article will give you some simple things that you can do to your sites to help them get better rankings in Google and other search engines. Figuring out the mysteries of Google is something that some companies have entire staffs of people working on full time. What exactly affects rankings and what to do to get good rankings seems to be an ever changing, elusive mystery. But there are a few things that anyone can do that will give them a leg up and help them get some nice rankings.
The single most important factor in ranking your sites is the title tag. Some people leave this blank so it just says “Untitled Document” or “index.html”. The title of your site is one of the key things Google uses to rank your site. When you think about it it makes sense. If your title doesn’t describe what is on your site then the user has no quick way of knowing what your site is all about. If you don’t know what your site is about, how can you expect Google to know?
When creating a good title don’t just name you site something generic. You need to have the keywords you want people searching for in your title. For example if you are building a site that features a teen amateur girl named Jenny stripping you don’t want you site to be titled, “hot Jenny strips naked.” Nobody is going to type that phrase into Google. People will type in the word “naked” but that word has such heavy competition for it that even seasoned SEOs will have trouble competing for it. Instead you want to focus on what the site is about which in this case is a teen amateur. So a better title would be, “Teen Amateur Jenny Strips Naked.” This title gives people a quick explanation of what the site is and contains keywords that fit your site and that people will actually be searching for.
Don’t spam your keywords in your title. There is nothing wrong with mentioning them once or twice. But if your title reads, “teen amateur, amateur teen, amateur, teen, teen amateur, amateur teen.” You are asking to be kicked aside and not listed. For those that don’t know you put your title in between <title> and </title> tags in the html header of your site.
This is also a very important thing and it is not really visible to surfers so it often slips webmaster’s minds. This is a meta tag, like the title tag, that gives the search engine a very clear and concise description of what your site is all about. You put it just below the title tag in the header of your html using the code <meta name="description" content="whatever you want your description to be"/>
Like the title, you want to include keywords that people will be using to search for your site, but, also like the title, you don’t want to spam them. I also suggest that you don’t make the description exactly like the title. If you have the same thing for both it could hurt your rankings. If I were writing a description for the site I mentioned in the title section above it might go something like, “Sexy teen amateur Jenny strips out of her clothes until she is naked and showing off her hot teen body.” Or something of that nature. You have some good keywords in there and it actually reads like a sentence an actual person would write.
There is no hard and fast rule to adding keywords to the text of your site. Some people like to talk about “keyword density” which means how often your keywords appear on your site. They will say you need a certain keyword density to get a good ranking. I have heard everything from 1% up to 10% as being a good keyword density. There are other schools of thought that say keyword density doesn’t matter that having well placed keywords is more important. I personally take a middle approach.
I like to make sure I have a couple of uses of the keywords I am optimizing for as close to the top of the page as possible. The reason for this is that it shows the SEs that this is what my site is about and some SEs like to post the first few lines of text from you site in the search results so the keywords will show up on the results pages and the surfer can see them. I also try to have some keyword density, but I do it in a manner that seems normal. The SEs are getting smarter and Google especially now takes the whole of the site into consideration when indexing it. They want quality sites that have good content and are actually useful. Your text on the page can have a lot of say in that usefulness. If you have a paragraph that is nothing but keywords and a bunch of garble the SEs will most likely ignore you. If you have a site with nice text that reads smoothly and has some keywords sprinkled into it the SEs will find that much friendlier and will treat you better than a site that is just made up of keywords.
Remember usability is the key. The SEs want to present sites to their surfers that are good and the people will want to visit. If I go to Google and all my searches do is bring back spam pages, it’s not going to be too long before I move on and try a new SE.
When Google spiders your page it will follow your links and spider the pages/sites that you are linking to. There are a few things to remember to help you out in this area. First, spiders only follow links, they can’t click. So if you have a bunch of cool buttons, flash, java and stuff like that, the spider will never follow the links that are on those things. The Googlebot wants text. Googlebot will follow text links to different pages of your site or to different sites you link to. It takes what and who you link to into heavy consideration when it ranks you. Using the example of our teen amateur site, if you have a dozen links to different sites but they are all fetish sites and sites that have nothing to do with this site, those links could actually hurt you. On the other hand, having that dozen links to a dozen nice teen and amateur sites could help.
The actual text that is linked is maybe one of the most important thinks you can look for. Googlebot will read the linked text and then follow the link. If you have the words “click here” linked to a teen amateur site it has no way to associate those words with the site/page that they are linked to. If you have the words “teen amateur babe” linked the bot can read the text and then go to the site and see that your text and link match up. Google will look favorably on you because they no know that your site links to a “teen amateur babe” site so if someone does a search for that phrase Google can feel good about showing your site to them knowing that you are a teen amateur site and you also link to a teen amateur site.
The basic idea of the link text is that you want your link text to be things that people actually will do searches for. People don’t search for “click here” or “enter here” they do search for “teen amateur” or “amateur babe” so keep that in mind when you start to construct your links.
Here are a few other quick things to keep in mind.
Check out my article on optimizing images for image searches and make sure to do that with your site. A lot of people are doing image searches these days and you can pick up some nice traffic from them. The article can be found here Googles Image Search Tips.
Use the Google webmaster tools and make a site map for you site. It’s easy to do and can only help you.
Update your site regularly. Google wants sites that are current and that offer the surfer value. If your site hasn’t been updated in months it will see that and will rank sites that are regularly updated ahead of you.
As I said in the beginning there are a million little things that Google takes into consideration when ranking a site. There is no way for a normal webmaster to learn them all and stay current with them all, but the points I have hit on in this article are some of the main things that will help you get your sites indexed and rank better.
Reader Comments: (2 posts)
Fanny says: You really saved my skin with this inofmration. Thanks! |
December 10th, 2011 at 8:46am EST Rating: ![]() ![]() ![]() | says: Agel Gran Oportunidad de Negocio! Disfrutalo ahora!!! Comunicate ya!!! |
July 22nd, 2008 at 6:29pm EST Rating: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |