Shedding The Webmaster 30
Becoming a full time webmaster can be very rewarding and fill you with pride. You may also find it fills your body with some extra fat. I have started dubbing it “the webmaster 30” because it seems like many webmasters, myself included, find themselves sitting in front of a computer all day and not eating very well. It doesn’t take a genius to see that this can add some unwanted pounds really quickly. They say that getting married adds 20 pounds, well becoming a full time webmaster adds 30. If you are getting married and becoming a full time webmaster, you might be in trouble .
Here are some ideas I found useful for helping shed those pounds and get yourself on a healthy track while having a job that is done sitting in a chair working on a computer all day.
I used to be the kind of person that would go to the store almost every day. I would just buy what I was in the mood to eat and that was it. I started changing that because I found myself buying more and more junk food. What happened is I would get to working then I would be running late and I would end up just getting some fast food or something I could microwave real fast and none of that stuff is good for you. Now I go shopping and buy one week’s groceries at a time. I buy healthy snacks like nuts, fruit and things like that. I like peppermint so I buy sugarless peppermint and I buy food that is easy to make but good for you like boneless skinless chicken breasts and veggies and fruit. I buy salad already made in a bag. Now if I get stuck working and it gets late I can just throw a chicken breast on the Foreman grill, cook some veggies and throw some salad in a bowl and in about 10 minutes I have a good healthy dinner.
Having the healthy snacks around helps because if I get the munchies they satisfy me and they help keep me focused. Most of all they are not bad for me like my M&Ms or other candy or junk.
Water is the best thing you can drink. I used to be the kind of person that would be groggy until I had morning coffee then I would drink 3-4 cans of soda a day while working. It kicked up my energy then I would crash and drink another to get kicked up again. This is a vicious cycle. About 3 years ago I gave up all caffeine and I gave up all soda and now I drink just water (obviously I occasionally drink other things like booze with food or at parties and stuff, but just water about 95% of the time) and I feel so much better. Just that change got me off the sugar and caffeine highs and lows.
So dump the coffee and soda. Fruit juice is just as bad because it is all sugar and milk has one purpose in the world which is to take a 50 pound calf and turn it into a 300 pound cow as fast as possible so you can imagine what it is doing to you. It will suck for a couple of weeks and you will go through some withdrawals, but in the end you will feel great.
I can’t stress enough that you should not go out and buy a treadmill or a Bowflex or something like that. You will use it like mad for a few weeks then soon it will be a piece of furniture you pile stuff on. I read that about 97% of people that buy home workout stuff stop using it within a month of buying it and hardly use it after that. I don’t know why that is, but it is. If you know for certain you will use it, maybe do so, but if you have any doubts don’t buy it. Instead join a gym. There are enough of them these days that there is probably one close to you and paying that monthly fee will help motivate you. Plus it will get you out of the house or office and you will get some fresh air.
I also suggest getting a bike. In the summer you can go for rides or you can just walk if you don’t want to ride a bike. You don’t need a hardcore workout, just enough to keep you active, get your heart rate up and burn some calories. Sadly, it turns out submitting galleries and reading boards doesn’t burn a lot of fat so during the winter I go to the gym 4 days a week. I do some light cardio and a light weight training circuit two days a week and just cardio the other two days. In the summer I go twice a week to do light cardio and the weight circuit then two to three times a week I either ride my bike or put on my Ipod and go for a walk.
Working out doesn’t have to be a huge thing and you can do it in 30-40 minutes a day. Just give yourself an hour or so for lunch and you will have plenty of time to eat and workout before getting back to the grind.
Try not to think of this as a diet of sorts, but a lifestyle change you are making. Reward yourself and have some junk every now and then. Go out to dinner and have dessert or buy a candy bar from time to time. It won’t kill you if you do it in moderation. If you start exercising and make some small changes to your life you will find yourself shedding “the webmaster 30” and feeling more energetic and focused which will improve your bottom line.
Reader Comments: (1 posts)
Blessing says: Good to see a tlanet at work. I can't match that. |
October 24th, 2012 at 8:51am EST Rating: |