Free Ezine Bucks Press Releases

Note: The following are press releases that were released from Free Ezine Bucks over the past few years and are sorted in order of most recent to oldest.

08/27/2002 -

Free Ezine Bucks Releases 7 New Sites
Free Ezine Bucks released its Free Direcotries just a few days ago. You make 1 dollar for eash FREE sign up. How is this program different then other eamil 4 free programs. You get 75+ sites to promote, 40+ Free Ezines, 10+ Free Yearbooks, and 7 Free Directories.

Some webmaster are reporting a 1:5 ration with the Free Directories. The free directories can be intergrated into your site with the use of frames, thus making the surfer believe that it is a "service" that they are signing up for. Surfers are more likely to sign up for a free "service" then any other "4 free site".
You could also do the same with the free ezines. Giving the surfer a reson to come back t your site if they can log in from your site. If you havn't already signed up then sign up now! get yor piece of the Free Direcotry Pie while they are still fresh! Visit Free Ezine Bucks and Join Today!
Submitted by Jason Lockwood | |