Free Net Pass Press Releases

Free Net Pass allows users to access thousands of web pages with one pass. 

Note: The following are press releases that were released from Free Net Pass over the past few years and are sorted in order of most recent to oldest.

09/29/2003 - FreeNetPass Launches New Billing Option for Members

FreeNetPass Launches New Billing Option for Members

FreeNetPass has launched FNP Annual, another billing option for your members! Once a surfers' free 1 year pass expires, they now have the option to renew for an annual fee of $29.95. Every time a customer renews with FNP Annual, the original referring webmaster makes $15. The customer
has the option to pay every year for FNP Annual (once their free year has expired), which means you can now make money from every surfer you refer indefinitely!


09/29/2002 - FreeNetPass Launches New Billing Option for Members

FreeNetPass Launches New Billing Option for Members

FreeNetPass has launched FNP Annual, another billing option for your members! Once a surfers' free 1 year pass expires, they now have the option to renew for an annual fee of $29.95. Every time a customer renews with FNP Annual, the original referring webmaster makes $15. The customer
has the option to pay every year for FNP Annual (once their free year has expired), which means you can now make money from every surfer you refer indefinitely!
