Where The Fuck Press Releases
Welcome to our adult search engine! Stop looking in all the wrong places to find what you want -- or need as the case may be. Our powerful adult search engine will find whatever the fuck you want it to. Don't get fucked by spending all of your valuable time aimlessly looking for quality adult porn and products when you can find it quickly and easily right here.
Note: The following are press releases that were released from Where The Fuck over the past few years and are sorted in order of most recent to oldest.
09/18/2002 - WTF Contest Begins
WTF Contest BeginsSept. 18, 2002 - WhereTheFuck.com is a new DMOZ-style adult search engine. Launched and edited by well-known industry leaders, WTF is now giving away $100 to site submitters.
Almost 7,000 sites have already been added to the directory in the first two weeks since its opening. WTF is well on the way to becoming a valuable source for surfers looking for adult information and content online. The engine's listings have been designed to encourage link popularity and spider follow-through for Webmasters' listed sites. In an effort to keep Webmasters submitting quality sites, WTF has begun a monthly contest. Each month WTF will give $100 to a random Webmaster who has had at least one site accepted into the databaase.
WTF uses a DMOZ-style editing group. Webmasters can apply to be editors in specific categories and work with other editors to maintain the integrity and accuracy of the search engine. Current editors have been asked to join the project based on their experience and reputations in the industry. Current editors include high-ranking DMOZ editors, AVS owners, Web host owners, and well-known membership site owners. New editors will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and are encouraged to apply. Editors are awarded points for their editing activity which are good toward advertising on the site.
For additional information, see www.wherethefuck.com.